Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Deadly Cancer

If there exists a word with the potential to instantly trigger within any modern individual an emotional tremor (whether it be one of fear, sympathy, anguish, or triumph) it is likely to be cancer. Like all major diseases plaguing the 21st century, cancer poses psychological, socioeconomic, and public health threats. What's different about cancer?- scientists lack a complete understanding of the condition and consequently an absolute cure for it. Alarmingly ubiquitous, cancer strikes without bias; eating away at life regardless of social status, age, ethnicity, religion- any parameter you can think of, cancer has breached it. To further expand its accommodation standards, cancer comes in all shapes and sizes, often as a lump in the breast, or just a harmless looking mole. Then again sometimes it hides beneath layers of bone and tissue, undetectable without sophisticated technology. Among the worst forms of cancer fitting the latter description, there is one called leukemia.

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